Our Vision Statement

At First Baptist Church, we envision…

  1. A body of Christ-centered believers who are submitted to Jesus in such a way that His Lordship and presence is unmistakable and irresistible and he receives all the praise and honor and glory.
  2. A body of enthusiastic believers who are unchangeably committed to the final authority of God’s Word and are wholeheartedly devoted to studying, obeying and teaching God’s Word in our personal lives, families, and church ministries. 
  3. A body of Spirit-filled believers who passionately, persistently, and expectantly pray both privately and collectively because we recognize our desperate need for God to guide, empower and enlarge all of our ministries and activities.
  4. A body of grace-filled believers who joyfully and generously sacrifice not only their possessions but also their lives in order to meet the needs of those around them.
  5. A body of bold believers who intentionally and unashamedly proclaim the powerful gospel of Jesus with everyone, resulting in people regularly being saved, baptized and discipled to such an extent that all services are standing room only.
  6. A body of spiritually-mature believers who make every effort to grow in their present walk with Christ and disciple those around them to do the same.
  7. A body of equipped believers who understand that the ministries of a healthy church are endless and endlessly exciting and are passionate to use their spiritual gifts effectively in maintaining current and developing new ministries.
  8. A body of flexible believers who because they desire by all possible means to save some are more concerned with the particular people God has called us to reach than with a particular style of doing church.