• MARBC Representative Ken Floyd will be with us!

    March 18, 2018
    Ken Floyd will be preaching in the morning and then meeting with our pastoral search team for lunch immediately following. 
  • Elders Installation Service

    February 18, 2018
    Praise the Lord! God has given us three new elders - Jim Showers, Wayne Twichell, and Steve Lowry. Join us for this exciting day. 
  • Annual Member's Meeting Including New Constitution Vote

    February 11, 2018
    Make sure to get your reports in sooner than later if you need to turn one in!

    Click here to download the new constitution! 
  • Recommended Reading for the New Year!

    January 31, 2018
    It's a new year and a great time to start reading a new book. Here are the six titles we are currently recommending:
    1. How Does Sanctification Work by David Powlison
    2. Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity by Tim Challies
    3. A Small Book About a Big Problem - Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace by Ed Welch
    4. The Imperfect Disciple by Jared C. Wilson
    5. 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke
    6. The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
  • Growth Groups Resume - Sign-up Today!

    January 14, 2018
    Our growth groups resume Sunday the 14th! 

    At this time there are three groups to choose from:

    4pm Sunday at Pastor's house led by pastor Andrew

    6pm Tuesday at the Clark's house led by Wayne Twichell

    6pm Wednesday at the Mcelhaney's house led by Bob Micander

    Questions? Talk to pastor or one of the group leaders. 

  • New Year, New Service Time, New Prayer Time

    January 07, 2018
    January 7th is a big day for us as a church! Starting that Sunday our service time will be 10am to 11:30am. We will also have a prayer time followed by refreshments at 9:00am. 
  • Bill Jenkin III from C.B.M. will be our guest speaker!

    December 31, 2017
  • Pie and Praise Night

    December 31, 2017
    Don't those two things just sound so perfect together, like salt and pepper or peanut butter and jelly? So join us for Pie and Praise on New Year's Eve at 6pm!
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5pm

    December 24, 2017
  • Leadership Transition Team First Meeting

    November 14, 2017
    Our first leadership transition team meeting is this Tuesday at 6pm. Please be in prayer for this group of men as they seek God's will and direction in how to help our church transition to being elder-led!